She is finishing her Junior year back in Evergreen, Colorado and planning on joining us in June for a couple weeks prior to our return to the US in July. She has been focused on her school work and taking the necessary tests to get into the school she desires. Currently she is looking at the Pacific Northwest, considering Reed and Lewis & Clark, among others. We have her working with a wonderful college coach who is helping her select a school that works with her personality and her ambitions. She really likes sciences and is thinking pre-med at this point.
Her mother misses her terribly and can't wait for her to come out and see us. Kathleen was crying this morning looking at these pictures of her baby. That last picture includes a picture of Frank, our wonderpug, who is living with Karen and Charlie Larson where Jessica is staying while we are gone. They are an amazing family that loves our daughter very much (Jessica is living with their daughter, Becca, who is one of her best friends).