Monday, March 11, 2013

Ben's Health Changes

I am a fan of changing my environment to make it easier to change myself.  Major lifestyle changes are hard to make but I find them far easier when you are able to move into a new location.

My health a couple years ago was not good. Smoking a pack of cigarettes daily, drinking 3-6 beers a night and throwing down a pot of coffee with very little water and mostly processed food (except for the dinners Kathleen would make which were healthy) brought me to a very unhealthy state.  I am proud that I have almost 2 ½ years of not smoking under my belt (thanks to Chantex, a form of Welbutrin, that made it easier to quit) but the rest of my body has not been getting better.  One of my biggest challenges was battling with Psoriasis in my scalp and across my body since 2000.  It had started to creep into my joints a couple years ago which made walking and grasping items difficult due to psoriatic arthritis.  At age 40 I felt like my body was falling apart.  I had tried acupuncture and other techniques with no luck and was being told by doctors and the Internet that what I had was incurable.  At the end of 2011 I had a huge breakthrough with an injectable  medicine that is called Humira and is an immune suppressor.  It fixed the psoriasis but at what cost?  An immune suppressor is not a good medicine to be on and when I was getting ready for Africa I had to take a live oral typhoid vaccine that required me to get off Humira or risk actually getting typhoid.  So at the end of November I stopped taking Humira and expected the psoriasis to return..  That is when a friend from Central City, Reba Bechtel, recommended a life changing book called “Healing Psoriasis, the Natural Alternative” by John Pagano, D.C.

This book made several recommendations but at the core were dietary, stress and health changes that all had to be done in order to reverse and actually cure the psoriasis that had been plaguing me incessantly for over 12 years.  One big item was that the digestive system and liver are not working correctly if you have psoriasis and you have to focus on healing the digestive system.  I was at the point that I would try anything so I jumped in with both feet.  Here is a rough list of things that I did, most of which were recommended by the book:-+
  • Drinking more water daily
  • Exercising more frequently
  • Doing a couple intestinal cleanses (Bobbi at 5th Avenue Wellness Spa helped with this quite embarrassing procedure)
  • Avoiding meat and processed foods (once every couple days I cheat with a little meat but observing the 90% rule of eating well most of the time)
  • Giving up coffee and switching to tea
  • Avoiding night shade vegetables (eggplant, tomatoes, green pepper and potatoes)
  • Going to Dr Diane Spindler who recommended several vitamins and herbs that would help address intestinal damage
  • Lower stress – this is easy when you are taking a sabbatical!

So it is now mid April and my psoriasis is limited to a few scalp flakes but no lesions on the body have returned.  Thank you Reba, Bobbi and Diane! 



1 comment:

  1. Interesting. always assumed you were kind of healthy and laid back. Interesting alternative.
